Weekend Savors | Food, Animals, DIY, Play + Reading

Because the week is filled with hectic schedules and not as much family time as I'd like, I love love LOVE to savor our family togetherness through the lens on the weekends. This is the most special time because we're all together the entire weekend and being with my family (and capturing it all) is my number one passion of all.  (all photos taken with iPhone and edited with the Adobe Photoshop Express app)


Friday, I had to run to the store to pick up dog food to donate to the Animal Shelter the next day.

I walked by these two HUGE butterfly balloons and HAD to get them for the kiddos. 

Luca is SO into butterflies right now because he's learning all about them at school. So, yeah, saw these babies and snatched them up. 

It was fun to see the kiddos reaction when they got home from school and saw them in their room. I forgot to capture it. Ha! 

When D got home from work, I told him that I was SO tired and wanted him to DO everything that night. So, he decided, "lets go out for pizza!"

And off to the Mellow Mushroom we went.  

The kids LOVED all the fun things inside the restaurant. 

But, little guy was NOT having a good time and didn't want to sit down at all, so I ate my salad and pizza as fast as I could and brought him out to the car, where he drove me to all kinds of fun places. Ha! 

We've started venturing out to more sit down restaurants more with him, but, still, we just never know what we're gonna get. So, yeah, we're still in the phase of going out to eat to places that don't require a lot of time to order and get our food (Panera, Five Guys, Chipolte, Which Which, Chik Fil A, and whatever else falls under that umbrella).  

Then on our drive home, I savored the view that was happening behind us, while, honestly, wishing for the days when we can all sit together at a restaurant and enjoy a nice, SLOW, family dinner from start to finish.  

Ahhhhh....one day! :) 

The next morning, I took C to Brownies where her troop brought in donations to the Animal Shelter and were given a tour of the animals and the facility. 

They all LOVED the cats. 

Especially, C. 

And, they all LOVED the dogs, too! :) 

And one of our Girl Scout friends even adopted a puppy, too! Yay!

As for us, it's still not time yet to add any furbabies to our family.  Once Luca gets a little older.

But as of now, I just wouldn't be able to give to the dog as I'd like. But, gosh, I wish I could do it sooner than later....C really misses Rusty (we all do!) and she just loved all those animals. 

We stopped at Michael's to pick up some fabric markers and she went to town with some of her clothes! 

I just LOVED what she created! 

The next day, we went to see Beauty and the Beast at her school. Oh gosh, I love doing this every year.  The 3rd-7th graders ALWAYS blow me away with their talent. And this year, just absolutely outstanding!! 

The kids LOVED it and kept wanting their picture taken.  Yeah, and that one on the right...he doesn't stay still for long. Ha! :) 

Then we came home and relaxed before we all had to start the new week today. 

As I was uploading all my pictures from the weekend, Luca and D feel asleep on the couch and she sat by me on the couch, reading her book out loud.  I had to capture it and add it to my savors, because it was bringing me SO much JOY listening to her read with SO much JOY. 

In my opinion, this was the perfect way to end the weekend. :) 



What did you SLOW DOWN + SAVOR this weekend?

Until next time...

Life IS so, so good...even when it can involve a 4 year old who doesn't want to sit like an adult and eat food at a restaurant...;)...SAVOR it up!