his climbing

photo taken with iPhone, edited with PicTapGo app and Photoshop app

photo taken with iPhone, edited with PicTapGo app and Photoshop app

And the "Chronicles of Climbing Luca" continue...ha!!

Oh, this kid!! He cracks me up!

As you can see, he took off his sister's Cinderella shoes to do this...shoes that his sister does NOT like him to wear...ha!

But, at the same time, he makes me oh, so VERY nervous!!

Oh, the fun of being a boy mom!! Love it!!

Until next time...

the camera: one of the best creative tools to help YOU slow down and savor (fully enJOY!) what YOU love (and don't love...ha!)....something that's hard to do when your mind is running five miles ahead or behind the present moment. 

who my kids areReneeComment