Savoring | His Confident Reminder That I Always Need


Well…guess who wants to BE just like his big sister!? (see my girl doing this same thing here!)

She likes to heat up her popcorn and he likes to heat up his waffles. :)

Oh, gosh! I love it but I also hate it! Ha!

I love how he’s been trying to keep up with her ever since he was born…but this!!

It makes me SO nervous!!

Please don’t fall!! Eeeeeek!!

Thank goodness I don’t worry as much with his sister because she’s older now…but still! Eeeeek!!

I let him do it (with me very close by!) because he’s ALWAYS so proud of himself that he can do it, too!

But still…it makes me nervous because he’s still SO little and I don’t want him to get hurt AND I’d really wish he’d slow down in the “growing up” department because he is still my baby (even though he’s 7!).

But man…having his older sister truly makes him wanna grow UP way faster than she did AND having his older sister makes him want to do way more independent things WAY earlier than she did.

And as I said, I sure do LOVE seeing him be SO inspired by her and I sure do LOVE seeing him light UP with JOY from within when he can do something she can do.

But as I said, at the same time, I hate it, because man, he wants to do EVERYTHING she does and he wants to have EVERYTHING she has (and she can tend to hate it more than love it…and he can get SO mad when he can’t do what she’s doing or have what she has) and he’s needed a much-needed nap and downtime to recharge his batteries since he was born (which has tired this mama out big time! Ha!).

But in the end, I do LOVE it more than I hate it because, to me, there’s nothing better than being inspired and then being extremely motivated to take action to do things that you really want to do and that once you do them and you see that “YOU DID IT!!” your deep, JOYous, inner confidence BLOOMS!

And that IS exactly what he’s doing here!

And that’s EXACTLY what he’s been doing since he was born!

And that’s EXACTLY what he’s been reminding me to keep doing every single day, too!

Because I don’t know about you, but I’m definitely not as confident as I used to be as I’ve grown older!

Oh, my kids!

They’ve made a whole new person out of me!

They’re ALWAYS reconnecting me back to my inner child who was extremely motivated to take action on anything I wanted to do and they’re ALWAYS reminding me that when I did it I would FEEL the most inner JOY and inner confidence rise UP within me and that it’s SO important for me to stay connected to that, no matter my age!!

I AM SOUL GRATEFUL for this reminder!

And I AM SOUL CONFIDENT, no matter my age! :)

Thank you kiddos for choosing me to be your mom and for ALWAYS reconnecting me back to who I AM and who I always want to BE, no matter my age.


Until next time…

See something that makes you stop and smile.  Grab your camera!! It'll slow you down, pull you into the present moment even more and have you SAVORing your JOY feeling even more!!  And most of all, it will allow you to SEE things that you may have passed by (like the people who mean most to your heart having a family game night together!). The's powerful...especially when it comes to JOY! :) 

That's WHY I take pictures!!  The camera is one of my favorite creative tools that easily pulls me outta my frazzled + overwhelmed mom head so I can fully  SAVOR (the feeling of) everything that makes me stop, smile and lights me UP with LOVE (something that's hard for me to do when my mind is running 100 miles ahead or behind the present moment)

Who YOU are is what YOU love...SAVOR IT! :)

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