Doodle eCourse
Do you often struggle with your thoughts running 5 miles ahead or behind you when you finally get a minute to relax?
Are you continuing to miss moments that matter most to your busy mama heart because your mama to-do list continues to get in the way?
Do you have trouble viewing yourself as "creative" and partaking in any activity that requires you to draw or paint?
Do you just wanna FEEL more CALM and have more energy when handling all your mommy responsibilities no matter how busy and stressful the day may be?
If you are saying, YES!, to these questions then you're in the right place. And, if you ALWAYS tell yourself, "I'm NOT creative!" then you're REALLY in the right place!
First, this course is NOT...
going to teach you how to draw professionally.
going to teach you how to sell your drawings.
going to teach you the rules of drawing.
going to teach you the rules of art.
This course IS going to teach you...
how to use mindful-creativity ( rules, just fun!) to create more CALM in your busy mama life. It's kinda like yoga and mediation, but way more colorful and fun.
how to connect with your favorite colors.
how to FEEL CALM with color.
how to doodle to calm your thoughts.
how to use creativity to feel more energized and uplifted.
how to see and believe that YOU ARE CREATIVE!
how and why left and right brain activities need to be equally balanced on a daily basis.
This 2 week course includes:
A weekly left and right brain (takin' it back old school) review...except this is way more fun than your middle school science class. I promise! It's beautifully refreshing and much needed information to help get your creative juices flowing again.
A weekly step-by-step doodle activity that is visually pleasing to the eye. You aren't left hanging with creative activities.
Detailed posts on WHY mindfully-creating through doodling is a must for feeling your most calm self.
Summary of each lesson.
Resources and links so you can explore more about the topic.
Access to a private (and very safe for sharing creative work!) community group on Facebook that's filled with like-minded, supportive, feeling calm mama's who wish to live a more calm, joyous and present life.
Here's how it's gonna go down...
Lesson 1: Calm Your Overwhelmed Thoughts
In the first lesson, we look at making YOU a priority first. You'll be taught HOW to easily FEEL more CALM with mindful-creative activity that are super easy and can be done in 10 minutes or less.
{1.1} Introduction Day
{1.2} Doodle Day - Doodle Phrases
{1.3} Summary Day
Lesson 2: Creatively Nourish Yourself Calm
In the second lesson, we look at how doing mindful-creative activity helps you to become more aware of your thoughts (without even trying!). Mainly, you'll start to become more aware of your left and right brain thoughts. For example, your left-brain says, "I'M NOT CREATIVE!" and your right brain says, "Yes! I AM CREATIVE!"
{2.1} Introduction Day
{2.2} Doodle Day - Color a Page
{2.3} Summary Day
Lesson 3: Feel Good No Matter What
In the third lesson, we use doodles to help you FEEL GOOD no mater what the day may bring. It's all about using creativity (on a daily basis) to recharge your batteries...and I promise, it works (even if your left-brain is saying, "yeah right!" right now).
{3.1} Introduction Day
{3.2} Doodle Day - Doodle Shapes
{3.3} Summary + End of Course Day
* All course material are emailed straight to your inbox over a period of 2 weeks so you'll have time to soak in all the colorful material. And, you're a lifetime member, meaning, you have plenty of time to do this course on your own time, and, if it's ever updated, you'll receive the new update for free!
Price: $20
There are SO many creative email courses out there. What makes this course unique?
This course is intended to use creativity as a way to feel more calm. It's not intended to teach you "art" or "creative" rules. It requires minimal supplies and very little trying-to-figure-it-out thoughts. It's intended to relax you, not frustrate you. It's really just BEing a kid again...coloring without any critical, judgmental or perfectionism thoughts...only for the FUN of it! It's literally like going to a yoga or mediation class, but, instead of closing your eyes and calming your thoughts, you're calming your thoughts with hands-on coloring activities that are SO easy, a Kindergartner could do them.
Do I need to have an artist background to take this course?
Absolutely not! This is a course that helps to reconnect you with your inner, creative child again. You know, that one that scribbled in Kindergarten? The one who LOVED showing everyone what you created? We were all scribbling and creating once...and that's the only skill you need to for this course.
Do I need to have fancy art material for this course?
Nope! Do you have kids? If so, you can use their crayons and their paper. If you don't have kids, all you need is some paper, a pen or pencil. I use crayons and colored pencils, but they're not mandatory. I provide you with all the information on the supplies being used for the course, and, they don't cost much at all. Here's what you'll need beyond paper and a pen or pencil: crayons, colored pencils and an Art Journal. It really all depends on what works best for you.
Oh, and you'll need a computer, a printer (not mandatory) and an email account so you can read and print the email lessons.
This course is a do-it-yourself email course. What does that mean?
It means that once you sign up, you’ll begin to receive the lessons in your email inbox automatically over a period of time. All the lessons are easy to understand and visually stunning. They’re set up to feel like you are taking the class live with me. I won’t be instructing this class…hence the do-it-yourself in the title. But, if you have any questions while taking this course, I encourage you to contact me. I want to support you in any way that I can.
I’m SO busy taking care of my kids and family and I want to take this course, but I’m afraid that I won’t have the time. Should I still take it?
Of course! What’s great about this course is that it’s given to you in your email inbox, meaning, you can read the emails whenever you get time. There’s no time limit with the activities. I know life gets in the way, so the lessons will be there for you when your schedule allows. The activities don’t have to be done all at once. You can start it (because even 5 minutes will help) and continue on with it when your schedule opens up. Really, just giving yourself 5 minutes a day to do these simple and easy activities will provide many positive benefits to your life. Even the littlest things you do in the course will help you BE a calmer mama.
How are you qualified to teach this course?
This is a GREAT question. I’ve had the most profound journey leading me here. You can read more about my story here. But, since becoming a mom, I now know how important it is to stay connected to my inner creative child so I can BE calm throughout my busy mama filled days.
I’m a Certified Creatively Fit and Holistic Health Coach who taught Elementary school after receiving a Journalism degree.
I talk my walk, meaning, everything I teach is EXACTLY what I do to help myself FEEL calm in my busy mama life. I don’t teach anything I haven’t done before. I only share what has worked for me.
Everything I’ve done and learned to this day as brought me the tips, tools and strategies that I’m teaching in this course. And, believe me, I’m still learning.
But, I’m happy to say, that I have the tools now to not stay stuck in overwhelm and stress. In which, I share with you in this course.
How will I FEEL after taking this course?
Calm (oh, did I say that one already? Hehe!)
Do you give feedback/critiques on the activities?
Nope! This isn’t an art class. So I don’t give any rules, critiques or ways to make your work better. This is a class that I do guide and give examples, but it’s all about you using your own creative juices and letting them blossom. It’s a safe place for you to reconnect with your creativity, because you ARE creative! And, I know first hand, that with all the mama responsibilities that are under our plates, there’s NO time for another added to-do. So this course is really like going to spa…just sit back, relax and connect with color.