Feel Calm, Mama! eBook
Are you like me? Have you tried everything from yoga to meditation to eating wholesome, organic foods but still aren't feeling as calm as you'd like? Then this ebook is for you! You'll learn why (and how I use) mindful-creativity is the ultimate mind calmer, no matter how busy the day may be.
7 Ways to Slow Down, Mama eBook
Life moves fast! Especially as a mom. And because of that, it can be super duper hard to slow down. If you want to add a little more calm into your busy mama day, then you'll love these 7 tips that I use to do just that! They're simple, easy, fun and oh, so nourishing for the soul. Something we need a lot more of. Right?
101 Ways to Feel Calm and Energized
Because I'm so passionate about slowing down and trying to find ways to add self-care into my busy mama life, I came up with this list that I hang up on my wall for reference when my mind is blank and not sure how to nourish my soul and feel more calm and energized when I finally get some mama ME time.