Waiting for daddy
Just hanging out by the window, waiting for Daddy to come home.
I always L O V E sweet, sibling moments that make me STOP and S M I L E!
I could have continued to walk by while BEing in my head focusing on my to-do list, but instead, I grabbed my camera, snapped and just took in this moment for as long as I could.
The to-do list can wait...moments like this, can't.
The camera...it's one of the best tools to pull YOU out of your head and into the present moment so you can slow down and savor (fully enJOY!) what makes YOU stop and smile.
Oh, and, just to KEEP IT REAL...just so you know, her room isn't ALWAYS this clean. The teacher in me ALWAYS does a morning 'clean up' and an afternoon 'clean up'...usually before Daddy comes home, and then, we do one last one right before bed.
And...my inner photographer knows how to capture my subjects instead of the mess, with lots and lots of practice. I've been taking photo classes since 2008. So, please don't think my house is spotless all the time...if you walked in my house you'd see one dirty carpet, filled with spots from our cute, little boy! Oh yeah!
Until next time...
Why take pictures beyond special eventful moments, like birthdays and holidays? Because, the camera easily pulls you out of your to-do list head and back into the present moment, so what matters most to your busy mama heart can be savored (fully enJOYed!) right now and for many years to come. Something that's very hard to do when your mind is five miles ahead or behind the present moment.