refresh yourself

We are back in the school routine these days, hooray!! 

But, I'll tell ya, after dropping C off for her first day, over a week ago, and then coming home with Lil' Bro, who started to play oh, so happily on his own, I sat down and thought, "Oh man, am I tired!"

Having two littles all day is definitely exhausting, but I never truly realize how much I'm "ON" all day long and night with both of them until they are separated (hence the lack of blog posts, too!). 

So, with adjusting getting back into our school schedule (we are NOT happy campers over here at 7 am!!) and me, just really needed to sit still, I took some time last week from posting my uplifting doodles and savoring the moment pictures on Instagram to refresh myself!

I'm still not 100% refreshed...7 am still isn't fun for us...yet (not sure if it will ever be! Ha!) and I could really use a few months to hibernate in a dark, cold, comfy bed room, quiet room and catch up on sleep (especially since the hubs was gone again last week for work!). 

But, the refresh myself break was SO needed and I'm going to make sure I keep it up, now that I officially get (about) two hours to myself, 5 days a week, for the next nine months (that is, if Lil' Bro still naps!).  

It's funny, because when I was a teacher and not a mom yet, I loved summer break and now, as a parent, I love the school year.  

Because, now, school is my biggest break I've had in 6 years and that break is helping to refresh my soul and and is helping me BE more of the calm, happy and present mama I SO wanna BE for my kids (but definitely still struggle with...especially at 7 am when I'm asking myself, "Am I gonna make it through this?" while my kiddos are fighting and whiney and not wanting to get ready because they're super tired!! Oh yeah!! Fun times! Ha!)


Until next time, 

Get YOUR creative calm on...because it easily calms the mind and soothes the soul so YOU can allow yourself to take a step back and refresh yourself in ways that will truly nourish your soul (something that's hard to do when your mind is running five miles ahead or behind the present moment)