So, yeah! I'm a busy mom who has spent most of her life wanting to help others. Actually...I've spent all of my life wanting to help others.
There's nothing wrong with that, but, as my life gets more and more filled with 'adult' responsibilities, I lose MY connection to what truly ignites me with JOY.
There are always moments that make me smile throughout the day, and I think I know what my true passions and life purpose is here beyond being a mom.
But, then life gets in the way, and then I over-analyze and then I'm left wondering what in the heck truly brings me the kind of JOY that lights my insides up with the highest happy tingles throughout my entire body every single time I do it.
Everyone says we moms need to put ourselves first. Yes! I know this! And believe me...I REALLY want to, but, my kids always NEED me. It's not that I want to be last on my list, but when time opens up for ME, it's late at night and I'm exhausted and I just want to get some sleep.
I truly wish that it was that easy to put ME first while taking care of my little kiddos, but it's just not. Because, believe me, I want to sit down and focus on the things I love beyond being a mom.
Because it's so hard to do just that, I've decided to make it my mission to reconnect to my joy...because yeah, when that time does open up, I'm very disconnected on what truly brings me JOY because I'm very deep in taking care of my family.
So from now on, I'm starting fresh here, and I'm going to use my blog to help me reconnect back to what has me saying to myself, "THIS IS JOY!" and I'm pretty dang excited about's time!!
So whenever I see something that makes me smile, makes me tingle within with happy thoughts...I'm following it.
I can't wait to see what comes through!! JOY UP, my friends! JOY UP!
Until next time...
Why do I doodle uplifting words? Because it easily calms my mind and UPlifts my soul so I can FEEL GOOD no matter how stressful my busy mama day may be (something that's hard to do when my mind is running five miles ahead or behind the present moment).