Food + Toddler Faces + BIG Camera Love :: My Bliss List

Wow!  This week involved lots of NOLA food and some toddler fun.  I'm SO glad I'm doing this because I've also been dealing with lots of toddler meltdowns this week.  My little one is in need of more naps, but I'm SO lucky that she can always put a smile on my face even through these tough toddler moments as well. :)

1. This past weekend we FINALLY tried The Creole Creamery in Uptown.  D and I have been wanting to try it since we've moved here.  And, boy, oh boy, was it divine.  I absolutely LOVE ice cream shops and this one was a hit.  C enjoyed every bit of it, too.  Especially her Daddy's Banana Foster's Milkshake (I actually enjoyed it as well...and I'm not a fan of Banana Fosters).

2. It's been a LONG time since I've been in the kitchen. I absolutely LOVE to cook and bake, but since getting pregnant, I haven't wanted to do much.  Well, for Father's Day, I got a little itch and I was in the kitchen for almost 3 hours.  It was awesome...but, my feet did start to hurt toward the end and I need to sit down.

I started Father's Day morning off with some blueberry pancakes.   I lovelovelove summertime blueberries.

Then I went Pioneer Woman crazy and made her Spinach and Artichoke dip and Creamy Lemon Crumb Squares for dinner.  All were deeeeeelicious!   She's a big hit in our house...especially with my husband.  So it was great to use her recipes on Father's Day for him. :)  And, really, it was pure bliss being back in my kitchen on a Sunday.

3. Although this doesn't look very blissful, I have to say, I'm SO happy that I have this bruise and NOT gestational diabetes. I don't agree with this test during pregnancy and I didn't pass it with C (this is another blog post!).  I didn't pass the 1 hour with baby brother and had to take the 3 hour on Saturday.  I was THRILLED to have found out that everything was fine this time around.  THRILLED!!!  

4.  We hit up another NOLA eats place after my Baby Luca appointment.  It's called The Milk Bar and it's located right across the street from where I'll be delivering baby brother.  The sandwiches at this place were heaven!!  So far...the best sandwich I've had in the NOLA!  Oh, and C LOVED all the cows that were on the walls...pointing and laughing at them the entire time we were there.  Too funny!

5. When she's not having her meltdowns, she enjoys making silly faces...silly face...fussy face...coloring face and squishy face. This evening was beautiful out on our patio.  It wasn't too hot and we had a nice breeze.  So that made everyone happy.

6. I FINALLY reconnected with my BIG camera and it FEELS SO GOOD! I haven't taken pictures of C with this camera since April.  My belly and the uncomfortableness of pregnancy has gotten in the way.  So this week, I finally picked it up, sat in the chair out on the patio and snapped away while C wanted to play throw-catch.  

And, not to mention, starting to document the simple things, every Sunday, with Rebecca Cooper, helped ignite my fire again, too!  Woohoo!! :)

I documented what life is like at her stage right now and yes, I can't wait to share all of this with her when she's older.  I miss my BIG camera so much.  Photography is my #1 passion, so it felt AWESOME to reconnect with this again.

C'on, mommy...let's play throw-catch.  (I keep snapping away)

I try to play with her while snapping and she's not too happy about it.  Um, yep, she's mad. :)

Then two seconds later she's drumming away and showing me her squishy face.  Oh, the life of a toddler.  :)

I've joined Liv Lane and her blog I'm Choosing Beauty Friday bliss list fun.That means every Friday I'll be linking up with Liv and her blog sharing all the bliss that happened during my week here on my blog.  I just love how it keeps you looking for the *good* that happens throughout the week.  If you'd like to join in the bliss fun, check out the link here and below my bliss list for more info.  :)

Wanna join in the bliss list fun? You know you wanna. ;)  If so, leave what's been blissing your world this week in the comments section or, if you have a blog, join in the bliss link up fun over on Liv's blog.  You can read her  Friday bliss list (which are always AWESOME) and you can read all the other bliss bloggers lists, too!

So fun!  If you do participate in Liv's link up on her page, be sure to add your link before Sunday at midnight.

Until next time...

{life IS colorful}