Weekend Savors: Home Is Where The Savoring Is

Because the week is filled with hectic schedules and not as much family time as I'd like, I love love LOVE to savor our family togetherness through the lens on the weekends. This is the most special time because we're all together the entire weekend and being with my family (and capturing it all) is my number one passion of all. :)Well, this weekend, we only spent Saturday with D because he had to work on Sunday AND, I never left the house, once...just how I like it! :)

It's amazing how much there is to savor (through my iPhone lens) when you stay home and do nothing!! :)

We started the weekend with a trip to the hair stylist for C.  She was way overdue (it had been since last July).  When we were done, she remembered how I asked if I could take her picture right after we were finished last time.

I wasn't planning on getting her picture this time because baby bro was with us, but she stopped me in my trying-to-get-all-kids-in-the-car-as-fast-as-I-can tracks and asked for me to take her picture.  Of course I said yes!!! :)   Awwwwweeeeeeeeee!!  I'm SO glad she slowed me down to savor this moment!!! :)

Then once the kiddos were in bed for the night I dimmed the lights in the house with my NEW tea light holders from West Elm.  Oh I'm SO in love with these.  I have them all over and they make me smile BIG all while making me feel so warm and cozy. LOOOOVE!! :)

I'm about to order a few more because I keep finding places in my house to put them ...because, yeah, I'm in LOOOOOOVE !! ;)

The next morning, D took C out on the town for errands.  I was told they were gonna go to many, many stores, like Home Depot, the "T" Store (that's what we call Target since C was 2), the post office, the UPS store and the grocery store.   I was SO excited because this was during baby bro's nap time and I decided this IS the time I'm gonna paint.  I've been CRAVING it big time!!  It's been way too long!!

I just LOVE seeing my little, what I like to call, creative space, set up in the corner of my bedroom.  Oh, it's just SO calming and fills me up with JOY and smiles!!  (I keep this space for me...no kids or husband allowed!!)

I called D, while waiting for my background to dry, to tell him to call me when he's on his way back so I can have all my painting stuff put away.  Good thing I called him because he was already on his way back because C was being fussy and she wanted to come home.

I was like WHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!?!?!?  I really did think he was kidding, but, he wasn't.

I only doodle paint when I'm alone and the house is quiet and when I don't have to tend to anyone else's needs because it's when I paint like this that I FEEL completely nourished and refreshed (if I painted while C was around, she'd want to join in...that's great, and I LOVE to paint with her, but once she joins in, it really does become more about her because I have to keep getting up to tend to her painting needs...so it's time like this that is only for me!!)

I only got to the outline.  Man, I SO wanted to keep playing, but that's OK...it was still fun.  Wasn't sure when I was gonna get time again, but I was happy I did start.

I also learned that, for me, I can ONLY paint after the kiddos are in bed for the night.  It's just way more nourishing for me.  Doodling in my art my journal is best for times like these during the day...you  just never know how much mama-me-time you'll get! ;)

Once C was home with me for the day, she quickly turned into Doc McMille.  Our buddy boy, Rusty, has had some blood in his urine since the Friday after Christmas and he's been feeling a bit off.  We're not sure what it is yet, but we're hoping to have some answers soon.

We haven't seen our little doctor in awhile because she has been Snow White, Yellow Belle, Cinderella, Jane from Tarzan, Rapunzel and Tinkerbell.  So seeing her check our buddy boy to make sure he's OK...I just had to savor the cuteness!! :)

Saturday night we had lots of fun with the kids favorite toy of all...the pillow case.  :)  Ever since C was 2, almost 3, D has taken her for a ride in the pillow case.  She LOVES it and she pretty  much has a meltdown once her ride was over (her rides stop because D is super tired because he has swung her 20 times already).

Now baby bro has joined in the fun.   Now they each have little meltdowns in between because they have to wait for their turn and, of course, after D is tired and ready to stop. Ha!

While my little family was playing with the pillow case, I came into C's room to put her laundry away and this is what I found.  She had set up her tea set for her and Luca a little while before.  It always melts my heart to see her toys left set up like this.

After C went down for the night, I decided to play more with my painting.   Aaaaahhhhh, fun! fun!  And a blog post coming soon on this!! :)

Sunday felt like Monday just because D had to work ALL DAY!!   I got a second of quiet time and was able to put my feet up while the kiddos watched Tarzan, twice.

Like I said, it was only a second of "quiet" time...they just can't stay away from me and they always NEED something!! ;)

We enjoyed some outside time on the patio time.  I sat in the sun and laughed SO hard watching Luca enJOY his big sis chase him around in circles.  I could watch them play all day long like this.  The joy on their faces...LOVELOVELOVE!

Then, while baby bro took his afternoon nap, C and I put together her Doc McStuffin's puzzle three times in a row!! :)  She's been doing this puzzle over and over again since Friday.  :)

C and I ended the weekend, like we always do every night, laying in her bed together. My initial thoughts were, "When is she going to go to bed by herself so I can get started on ME sooner??" but as I laid there they quickly changed to how I really just wanna savor these moments in her room.

Every night we talk about how much we love each other to the moon, to the stars, to the rainbows, to the car, to the birds...etc...and then I tell her that it's OK to be afraid of the dark and monsters and that she's SUPER brave because she sleeps in her bed all by herself even though she's scared and that she's not alone because me, her daddy, baby bro and doggie are all here with her protecting her.

Then, after she smiles at me, she turns to face the wall and drifts off to sleep while I look up at her poms-poms hanging up above, then at her closet that demands stays open to let in as much light into her room to keep the monsters out, then at her name that my mom painted for her and her pictures on the way and how it all just makes me smile and fills my heart with so much happy joy.

Then before I know it, I realize that I really do wanna savor all of this...even with all the lack of ME time I have right now, because this stage won't be around long.  And then I look over and she's dreaming sweetly...and then the guessing game is on as to what time she'll end up in our bed. ;)

Yep!! SO much to savor when you spend you a weekend at home! :)

So tell me...

What did you SAVOR this weekend? 

Until next time...

Life IS so so good...SAVOR it up!

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