Savoring These Moments | 10 Months + Block Creations

Tomorrow, lil' bro turns 10 months!

Some days, I'm like, "He's ONLY 10 months," but then I immediately think, "He's 10 months!!!  Already!!"

The other day, I had a major mommy mush brain moment.  I couldn't even remember those first 6 months.

I was questioning what we did for Christmas and what we got big sister.  My mind was completely blank. 10 minutes later, it all finally came rushing back.  Whew!

Being a mama of two, it's amazing how fast lil' bro has grown and it's amazing how much more I forget the littlest of things.

I know I remembered more with big sister, but now, with the hecticness of keeping a baby and a 3 year old happy and healthy,  I can't focus on lil' bro's major milestones as much as I did with big sister when she was his age.

It makes me sad at times, but seeing moments like this (he's SO into standing up with the help of anything he can get his hands on) always makes me stop from whatever I'm doing to pull out my camera and savor the moment of his current stage of life (even when big sister is buzzing by us asking us to play over and over again).

I LOVE how my camera helps me to get out of my to-do list head and EASILY pulls me back into the present moment.

When I'm busy taking care of lil' bro, I find myself missing some of the fabulous moments of big sister's stage of life, as well.

The other morning, she built this tower while we were all eating breakfast together.  (She brought it to the table so lil' bro wouldn't knock it down). She left it and went on with the rest of her day.

That night, while I was cleaning the table after dinner, I thought about taking it down, but then, I thought, "Nah!" because I  forgot how much I LOVE seeing  (and snapping!) her creations like this around the house.  I pulled out my camera to savor it.

It's been awhile since I've snapped something like this and I used to do it all the time before lil' bro joined us.

The next morning, while climbing up on the chair to get ready for breakfast, she saw it and her eyes lit up with excitement while saying, "Yaaaay! It's still here!"

She knocked it down and starting creating it again. :)

My heart filled with joy and I smiled and thought, "Her reaction is EXACTLY why I left it there!" because it's SO easy to just want ALL toys to be put back in their place when you're surrounded by the messiness of little kid life day after day. ;)

I'm SO happy I was reminded to SAVOR these little moments with my camera.  There's SO many times, since having baby bro, that I feel like I'm not snapping enough of these moments that I love SO much.

And, my camera, photography, something I'm so passionate about, helps me to stay connected to myself, my family and the beautiful world that surrounds me on a daily basis.

My kids are my best reminders that I need to slow down my busy mama life and savor the moment (especially with my camera!). :)

Until next time...

Life IS creatively awesome...SAVOR it up!