Savoring This Moment | A Moment To Himself
Life is crazy busy and it's EASY to stay focused on the to-do's of it all and miss the littlest moments that mean the most. My camera is my tool to slow down, reconnect with the present moment and savor WHO my kids are right now in their current stage of life AND what makes MY heart happy with joy. When life is busy and I see something that makes me light up with a smile, I stop, grab my camera (iPhone or SLR - it doesn't matter because what does matter is that I capture the moment...), click what I see and SAVOR the FEELING of that LOVE. My camera helps me stay focused on what fills my heart up with love and captures a visual reminder of WHO my kids are and what they love, so they never disconnect from themselves as they grow older, like I did.C was sitting on the couch, playing with the iPad. I was walking around, picking up toys and putting them away and trying to get laundry done.
Next thing I know, I see this little guy, playing the leapfrog, in the hallway.
I grabbed my camera, laid down on the carpet next to him, smiled and SAVORED his little moment to himself. Because, moments like these; him by himself, sister by herself, everyone SO focused, QUIET and HAPPY with what they're doing is RARE!
Usually big sis and lil' bro are running wild all over the place together. :)
He knew I was right by him, and I was SO SO happy he didn't get up and run over to me like he usually does.
Instead, whatever he was doing over there was making his sweet, SWEET giggles come out. :):)
And with his little bit of stillness, I was able to snap and SAVOR his cute little hand and fingers tap, tap, tapping away on the leapfrog.
Just seeing the way he was leaning against the wall and his cute little toes peaking out...melted my heart BIG TIME!!
Then he shot me this look...and my heart melted even more!!
And, of course, he just had to start putting the leapfrog pen in his mouth. 1-year-olds...gotta LOVE it! :):)
It's moments like these...moments that make me STOP + SMILE and have me wanting to SAVOR for many, MANY, years to come, that mean the most to my mama heart!!
And it's moments like these that I want my kids to look back and remember WHO they matter what the age! :)
Before I ask ya...
What what moments have you SLOWED DOWN to SAVOR today?
Wanna SLOW DOWN + SAVOR moments through YOUR the lens?
Here's what you do!
1. When you see a moment, happening right in front of your eyes, that makes you STOP + SMILE, grab your camera WATCH the moment.
2. And, if you SEE a moment where your kiddos are in some GREAT natural lighting in your a window, for example, grab your camera!! :) This was also another reason why I grabbed my camera for the pics I took up above. The light was shining from the window in the room so beautifully on Luca. :)
3. While watching and just BEing in this moment, snap what you SEE. Don't say anything...BE still, watch and snap.
4. Try different angles. Stand up. Sit down. Lay down. Get on your knees. Stand on a chair. But, for the most part, just sit, snap, smile and watch. BE in the moment with your camera in hand.
5. Don't ask for any direction from the subject. Just be a fly on the wall...making the subject think you're not there. It's when you do this, you get the true authentic personality of your subject!! But, if they want you to play with it!! And snap at the same time! :)
It's pretty easy and , the coolest part of all, your camera makes it even EASIER to SLOW DOWN and SAVOR what means most to your beautiful, mama heart. When you're snapping and watching, the to-do's of the day melt away and your heart is focused on the JOY and HAPPINESS of what's most important, which, in the end makes you not only a better mama to your kids and family, but a better mama to yourself! :)
So tell me...
What moments have you SLOWED DOWN to SAVOR today?
Until next time... Life IS so FULL of JOY...SAVOR it up!