This Makes Me Smile SO Big
So, Lil' C is at the stage where she picks, what she thinks are flowers, and brings them over to me. She literally spends her entire time during outside time running back and forth just picking away. I had to capture the moment, because I want to remember that it feels like she brings me at least 100 of them in an hour how magical and fun this is for her. The best part of it all, is that she's picking little green sprouts, not flowers. SO cute!
Here she is just running her outside play time away. Love it!
And here's one of the beautiful green sprouts she picked for me. pretty and it smells lovely!
Then I give it back to C and then the sad part comes - she crumbles it all up. I tell her, "Oh, be nice to the flower." But, it doesn't seem to be working.
She continues to crumble them up and then just repeats back to me what I just told her. Oh well...guess it's a toddler thing. :)
It's these little moments that I'm so grateful to observe that make me smile SO big! Soon she'll be older and won't care about all the little things that make up our back yard, so I got to make sure I soak it all in.
What little moments make you smile SO big? I'd love to hear!
Until next time...
{life is beautiful}