Weekend Savors | Zoo Time, Playgrounds, Paint + Crab Legs
This weekend, I SLOWed DOWN and SAVORed, through my iPhone lens, a much needed family trip to the Audubon Zoo. It's been a little while since we've been, but man, every time we go, I'm ALWAYS filled with SO much JOY when we take our kiddos here. And we go a lot!! LOL!
I always LOVE when she holds my hand. Awwwwweeeee!!
I can never get enough of this entrance either. I always feel like I'm at Disney World and not in New Orleans. It's just beautiful.
Like always, our first stop is ALWAYS the carousel, but it was closed for maintenance. Bummer for C, but she handled it well. I have to say, I was bummed too, because now that Luca can ride with her, I was really looking forward to having us all on there, together as a family. ;)
We got a close up view of what was being worked on. Oh, the sweet face of wonder...wondering why this carousel isn't working at that moment so she could ride.
Then she perked up and starting talking about the animals her and Luca will ride next time. Awww yeah!! :)
We headed to our next stop that ALWAYS comes right after carousel riding...the playground. Luca still isn't fond of slides. He walks up them and then goes back the other way, over and over and over again. Ha!
C is all about them!! :)
Good thing there's a train ride to replace carousel riding! Luca was having lots of "down! down! down! down!" moments, but once we started moving he became content and happy with what he was seeing. WHEW!!!
We headed over to see the monkey's, orangutan's and gorrilla's. "Camille? Where's the oranguntan?"
I LOVE watching them just "chill" way up there!!
Can you see the gorilla right in the middle of D and L? Love it!!
After having our fun at the zoo, we headed over to the Northshore. We don't usually drive this bridge, but when we do, I LOVE it. It's just miles and miles of water...aaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Reminds me Key West!! I miss that drive down there SO much!! And, I miss it there SO much!! :)
Can you see the buildings in the second picture? That's downtown NOLA!! :):)
The kids had more fun at the best playground around!! And this time, Luca LOVED the swing. YAY!!
What's a swing without some Daddy hat wearing??? :)
And then he was off to do what he LOVES to do at the playground. Check out all the gems in the concrete. They're ALL over and he just goes around looking for them all, while talking in his sweet, sweet voice to them. TOO CUTE!!
And when he see's these bad boys, he's ALL over them, too!! Forget the slides and the swings, these beauties are way better!
Then it was sand box playing fun time. They sat here for quite awhile...it was niiiice!! Mama and Dada got to relax a bit while watching them, too!! Oh yeah!! The best!!
Sunday morning, D took C to his work and then the store. Once Luca went down for his nap...this happened!! OH YEAH!!!
Just looking at this immediately makes me calm!! Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!! I finished my Awful Flower and I'm excited to share it with you later this week! It was SO SO fun!
Then, after a relaxing day, D surprised me with my favorite meal of all...crab legs!!! Oh, this was BLISS!!!!
(all iPhone pics edited with the PicTapGo App and Instagram filters)
I hope, that you, too, were able to SLOW DOWN and SAVOR moments that you LOVE this past weekend!
Because, life isn't just about continuing to move as fast as you can to get everything checked off your to-do list. Life IS about allowing time for living slow and truly BEing present with the ones you love and all the beautiful moments that fill your time together. It's about SAVORing what you LOVE and what means most to your heart.
So what about you...
What did you SLOW DOWN + SAVOR this weekend?
Until next time...
Life IS love...SAVOR it up!