Creating Calm
Since I'm getting my blog back up and running again, I thought I'd re-introduce myself.
Hi...I'm Renee!
I'm one very busy, very joyful and very stressed-out mom. I have two little kiddos (a big sis and a lil' bro) and I'm married to my college sweetheart (GO GATORS!) who's in the military (Coast Guard!) and moves us every few years or so (talk about stress, but also LOTS of inner growth!! Oh yeah!!).
I'm also a Journalism degree graduate from the University of Florida (GO GATORS!!) who then studied at Florida Atlantic University to became an elementary school teacher who then taught 2nd and 3rd grade and K-12 ESOL students who then became a Holistic Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to now an aspiring photographer and a Creatively Fit Coach.
But, most of all, I'm someone who FINALLY found the easiest way to calm my mind, ignite my joy and savor life, no matter how busy and stressful my mama life may be...through mindless CREATIVE fun!!
For years, I tried it, meditation, exercise, journaling, organic foods, slow walks in nature, bubble baths, swirling Chinese medicine balls in my hands (all are great and most I still do!), but, it wasn't until I reconnected with my inner toddler with crayons, colored pencils, markers, paints and even my camera, that I finally found the inner calm, the inner peace and the inner JOY I had been yearning and searching for.
We've been all over the place this summer because of our move from New Orleans to Charlottesville, VA, but, now that the kids are back in school and I've had to time to clear my head, I'm ready to dive back into my mindless, creative, self-care fun and share it here again!
It's been WAY TOO LONG!!
I'm excited to share my journey back into creating every day again here (and how I'm battling with my mind again that mindless, creative fun IS way more important than my to-do list...uh, hello, left brain!) and reconnect with you all.
So with that, I'd like to make a toast to finally sitting down and creating calm again...cheers!
And, click here, if you'd like to read more about my journey to finding inner calm through mindless-creativity.
Until next time...
Why do I doodle? Because it easily calms my mind and soothes my soul so I can BE more of the calm, happy and present mom I'm meant to BE (something that's hard to do when my mind is running five miles ahead or behind the present moment).