Being OK With My New Slow Flow
For the past year, I've had some major changes going on within me.
You see, before this past year, I used to BE crazy good at getting an idea and then immediately jumping on it and making it happen.
This is a great thing!
But, lately, I just can't seem to find where all that speedy motivation went to.
Because, at times, I miss it.
But, because of where I am in my life now, a mother of two older kids (I had all that speedy motivation when my kids were babies and toddlers, which, to me, is crazy! Like, how did I even have the time to take care of them AND write blog posts and paint and doodle and take pictures and share it all here on my blog AND on social media!?), I think there's a reason why I don't have that same speedy motivation I used to have.
Because, back then, I still wasn't sure of my direction in my life.
I thought I did, so I'd go with it, but, I was constantly questioning it and changing it.
But now, almost nine years as a mother, I am now set with my message.
I now know 100% as to what I want to share with the world here on my blog and on my social media feeds.
I now believe 100% in my message and that my message is 100% who I am.
OMG!! I can't believe that I'm not changing my mind anymore because that's how I lived my life for many, many years...trying to find exactly what I'm meant to be doing for the world, and I'm not anymore! WHOA!!
I'm thinking, that those days of rushing around to get it done aren't happening anymore because when I do get the time to work on what I truly LOVE and believe in, that I soak it in, and just BE in it more.
Instead of rushing to get it done while the kids are playing around me or napping for a little bit.
I'm now totally OK if I don't get to it one day or many days that my heart is content with doing the most important job in the world...being a mom (a present mom, that is!) to my kiddos.
Where as before I wasn't. I always felt like I should be doing both all the time, no matter how crazy the day was for me.
I now know that my message isn't going anywhere now. It's not leaving me. It actually hasn't for many years now and I have no desire to change it anymore.
So when time does comes up in my busy mama day and I can get back into my creative, calm flow message again, so be it.
But, it's not easy to think this way.
Because some days I really wish I could sit down and work on it more, but, like I said, my mom life comes first and it's showing me just how important it is to for me to just BE in a slow flow, rather than a fast one.
When I go slow...I'm more present with my kids.
When I go slow...I get more clear on my heart desires.
When I go slow...I hear more of my intuitive hits and follow them more.
When I go slow...I'm present more for everything I love beyond motherhood.
When I go slow...I'm not missing out on the littlest moments because I'm not on my computer when my kids are next to me.
And since they're growing up SO dang's OK that my blog AND my social media feeds get much slower attention from me.
But, in my heart, I know that I love being a mom and I love sharing my feel calm message through creativity.
Neither are going anywhere, anytime soon. creates a whole new being out of ya. And, I love it!
Until next time...
Here's to living that slow mama life...CHEERS!
Why do I doodle uplifting words? Because it easily calms my mind and soothes my soul so I can FEEL JOLLY no matter how overwhelming and stressful my day may be (something that's hard to do when my mind is running five miles ahead or behind the present moment).