Another HOW I've Changed as a Mama (TV Time) Moment

Before I became a Mama, something I was pretty much against was having television or any technology in our bedroom.  I wanted our bedroom to be just for sleeping and connecting with my husband time (if ya know what I mean...wink! wink!). We had our bedroom set up this way for a good 3 years.  It was great.  But, then C entered our lives and I ended up doing my cardio and yoga videos in my bedroom during her first year.  That way I knew wasn't waking her up while she napped.

Then we moved.  We still had the TV set up for my work-out and yoga videos, and that's it.  But, once C became more mobile and spending lots of time in the entire house, I was CRAVING watching TV in my bedroom.

D watches way more TV than I do, so the majority of the week he watches his shows (and I'm not really into his shows...yeah, I'm probably the only one who doesn't watch Game of Thrones..hehe!).  When, in reality, I wanted to be vegging out in front of the TV to awful reality shows (shows he hates and shows I can't seem to stop watching even though I know they're NOT healthy for me...AKA...Jersey Shore, Real Housewives of Orange County and Beverly Hills, The Real World and anything else my mind wants to go numb with).

Well, with baby brother on his way, we ended up making two huge adjustments to our bedroom (one I never would have done 3 years ago!).  We moved my office out of the guest bedroom and moved baby brother's crib in.

And we moved my office space into our bedroom and added a shelf for TV watching on the other side.  This is the view from both sides of my bed now.

I can't even explain in words how nourishing this feels for me now.  Now that I can lie in bed and watch movies and such after C goes to bed is now the best thing ever!!  (OH, and D is on the treadmill all the time now that he can watch the TV while getting a work out in...he's losing all while I'm gaining from baby brother...LOL! )

Because I spend my entire day in all other areas of the house, having this space in my bedroom is something I very much look forward to after a long, toddler-filled day. I do keep my bedroom a toy-free-zone (more on this later), so after C is tucked in nicely for the night, coming to my own space in my bedroom with my feet up and all cozy in my bed is THE BEST!

And, having my desk in the bedroom has worked out really well, too.  It just feels like my own - not connected to anything kids - something a mama needs to feel more connected to herself.  When my office was in the guest room, my desk was next to the same wall C sleeps next to.  So I always tip-toeing around trying not to wake her up.

So, yeah, I'm definitely a changed mama.  My poor husband. He's like...who is this woman I married?  LOL!

It's just like what Aimee of Artsyville says, these magical spirits truly make us new beings! :)

Check out my other How I Changed as a Mama series...

BEFORE I Became a MamaAFTER I Became a MamaHow I'm Gonna Do Mamahood with Baby #2

Find yourself doing things you thought you'd NEVER do before you became a mama? I'd love to hear! 

Until next time...

{life IS colorful}