Toddler Fun + Birthday Fun :: My Bliss List

My bliss this week has a lot to do with C.  :)  I really don't think it could be any other way, really. :)

1. On Sunday, we all headed down to the city to celebrate my upcoming birthday.  Since my birthday fell on a Tuesday this year, we decided that since I'm pregnant and I'm slowing down, it would be better to just go out lunch on the weekend.  We started it off by taking C to the zoo, since now all she wants to do is ride the carousel over and over again (thank goodness for zoo memberships and a cheap 9 carousel rides price!).  Yeah, forget the REAL animals now. ;)

Then we headed over to a new place, St. James Cheese Company, and enjoyed a nice and unique NOLA sandwich. My pregnancy brain can't remember the name of the sandwich we got. Booo!  After that we walked right next door to Creole Creamery for a mint chocolate chip milkshake.  It was the perfect way to celebrate my day as a very pregnant mama. :)

2.  That night I had some awesome fun sitting outside of the bathroom snapping C have fun during her bath time.  I'm trying to savor all these moments right now because I know once baby brother is here, I'm not gonna be able to focus on her 100%, which honestly, makes me a little sad.  So yeah, I'm savoring it up big time! :)


3.  On Tuesday I finished Chapter 34 and started Chapter 35! I'm excited to start my next chapter of my life as a new mama to two.  I just chilled out with C and relaxed as much as I could.  Once D got off of work he picked up my favorite food, Thai, and even brought me home some lovely, colorful flowers (looks like he's picked up on how much I'm diggin' color these days!).  He actually gave them to C and she brought them over to me.  SO cute!  And, she LOVES smelling them, too, as you can see! :)

4. I've been having some guilty feelings around not being able to play with C that much since my baby brother belly is pretty big and my back is hurting.  So I've had to think of other ways to play with her that doesn't have me on the floor with her.  We sat together in the rocker/recliner (which was SUPER hard because of belly...she was WAY more uncomfortable than me. lol.) and played with her blocks.  I placed them on my lap and it worked pretty well.  It reminded me of when I sat in that same chair with her as a baby and rocked her.  Blissful memories for sure!

6. Lately, when C plays outside on the patio, she's been bringing out blankets and even pillows.  She likes to lay down and pretend that she's sleeping.  It totally cracks me up and makes me smile.  In the picture on the right, she was actually singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star - the song we all watch together (we watch a YouTube video of an owl and a star) while we all lay in her bed in the dark. Melted my heart.

I've joined Liv Lane and her blog I'm Choosing Beauty Friday bliss list fun.That means every Friday I'll be linking up with Liv and her blog sharing all the bliss that happened during my week here on my blog.  I just love how it keeps you looking for the *good* that happens throughout the week.  If you'd like to join in the bliss fun, check out the link here and below my bliss list for more info.  :)

Wanna join in the bliss list fun? You know you wanna. ;)  If so, leave what's been blissing your world this week in the comments section or, if you have a blog, join in the bliss link up fun over on Liv's blog.  You can read her  Friday bliss list (which are always AWESOME) and you can read all the other bliss bloggers lists, too! So fun!  If you do participate in Liv's link up on her page, be sure to add your link before Sunday at midnight.

Until next time... {life IS colorful}