Her Moment of Stillness
Life is crazy busy and it's EASY to stay focused on the to-do's of it all and miss the littlest moments that mean the most. My camera is my tool to slow down, get present and SAVOR the FEELING of moments that I LOVE and that make MY heart HAPPY with JOY. When busy with my to-do's and I see something that makes me light up with a big smile, I stop, grab my camera (iPhone or SLR - it doesn't matter because what does matter is that I capture the moment...) and SAVOR the FEELING of that LOVE from behind the lens. And when it comes to my kids, I LOVE to capture WHO they are what they love, in their current stage of life, so they never, EVER, disconnect from themselves as they grow older, like I did.
My 4-year-old is ALWAYS running around the house playing and using her imagination. She also talks every second of the day and when she does, the word "MOM!! Mom. Mom? MaMa. MOOOOOMMMM!!!!" is always attached to every sentence. Do your kids do that, too???? ;) ;)
So when I happen to walk out of my room and see her like this...
I immediately STOP and SMILE because I LOVE seeing her in this way, her little, but looking SO grown up self who has stopped, herself, for a moment of stillness. So I do what I know to do best when I wanna SAVOR this moment...this FEELING...for as long as I can. I run, as quietly as I can and grab my camera.
I think to myself, "Gosh, I sure hope she doesn't get up right when I start snapping," because, first, she NEVER sits in front of the TV that long, and, second, her lil' bro ALWAYS keeps her (and I) on her toes, no matter what time of the day it is.
Yep...not even a second later, look who showed up??? :):)
Then, what looks like a little guy running straight toward me. **These next two pics are out of focus, but I don't care, because all that matters to me is that I captured a moment that I LOVE and wanna SAVOR for many, many years to come. **
Turns into an immediate change of mind because the sight of a certain someone's tea set toy has caught his eye. Something he knows, his sister isn't going to like him touching.
And the eye contact is made!!! :):)
And her moment of stillness has ended. "Heeeeeeeeey!!! Luca!!! That's mine!!!!"
It's moments like this that help calm my mama frazzle because it's these moments that truly make me STOP with a big, BIG smile and have me SAVORING the FEELING of that SMILE through my camera lens.
This IS why I take pictures. So I can SAVOR the FEELING of all the JOY that fills my life. A feeling that uplifts, energizes and fills me with warm, happy tingles. A feeling I can easily disconnect with as my mama to-do list keeps growing and growing and causes me to feel more overwhelmed than ever.
So, to me, there's nothing better in life than focusing on what you LOVE. And my camera is one of my BEST tools to help me stay focused and connected to that LOVE!
Yes, you can feel the love by just looking at the moment and smiling really quick while moving on to your next to-do of the day, but it's when you truly STOP to SAVOR it, especially with your camera, is when those inner LOVE feelings IGNITE even more.
The more you sit, watch and SNAP what you LOVE, the longer your SMILE stays on your face and connected you'll BE to what YOU love, and the more that LOVE feeling will stay with you through out the day.
Focusing on LOVE and JOY does amazing, amazing things to ya!! Thank goodness camera's are there to help us keep that focus!! :)
Life is SO much better when you SLOW DOWN and truly SEE and FEEL all the LOVE and JOY that fills your life up each and every day. I mean, really, that's what life is all about anyway, right!! :)
Before I ask ya...
What moments have you SLOWED DOWN to SAVOR today with your camera?
Wanna SLOW DOWN + SAVOR moments through YOUR the lens?
Here's what you do!
1. When you see a moment, happening right in front of your eyes, that makes you STOP + SMILE, grab your camera and WATCH the moment.
2. While watching and just BEing in this moment, snap what you SEE. Don't say anything...BE still, watch and snap.
4. Try different angles. Stand up. Sit down. Lay down. Get on your knees. Stand on a chair. But, for the most part, just sit, snap, smile and watch. BE in the moment with your camera in hand.
For this picture, I just stood at my bedroom door. I didn't move much. It was a quick moment.
5. The magic happens when you sit sit back and WATCH!! Don't ask for any direction from the subject. Just be a fly on the wall...making your "human" subject think you're not there. It's when you do this, you get the true authentic personality of your subject!! But, if they want you to play with them...do it!! Just keep snapping at the same time! :)
It's pretty easy, and, the coolest part of all, your camera makes it even EASIER to SLOW DOWN, BE present and SAVOR what means most to your beautiful, mama heart. When you're snapping and watching, the to-do's of the day melt away and your heart is focused on the JOY and HAPPINESS of what's most important, which, in the end makes you not only a better mama to your kids and family, but a better mama to yourself! :)
So tell me...
What moments have you SLOWED DOWN to SAVOR today?
Life IS love...FOCUS on it SAVOR it up!