Weekend Savors | Nature, Color + Family
Because the week is filled with hectic schedules and not as much family time as I'd like, I love love LOVE to savor our family togetherness through the lens on the weekends. This is the most special time because we're all together the entire weekend and being with my family (and capturing it all) is my number one passion of all. :)
This weekend, I savored (through my iPhone lens), these doves that cozied up in our backyard for about two hours (they're hard to see).When I first looked out the window, there were 12 of them eating in the grass, with a male and two female cardinals as well.
I kept looking out the window as I walked by doing house chores and the next thing I saw were 8 of them still around and they were taking a sweet, little nap.
I kept stopping and just staring at them and I just was filled with so many emotions, because, yes, I'm still missing my buddy boy ( A LOT and still crying at times...) and the spot they were in was where Rusty always walked around and sniffed. (Also...a big thank you to everyone who has reached out about our buddy boy...your words means SO much!)
I was amazed by how long they stuck around and I couldn't help but think they were bringing me some comfort and some peace, because as long as we've lived here, I've NEVER seen this many doves and I've NEVER seen them stick around this long on the ground.
Usually the birds come down to the grass to eat real quick and then they fly back up to the tree's. So I couldn't help but think this was a sign...something I was supposed to see, because they chose Rusty's backyard to cozy all up in for quite a long time. :)
So freakin' amazing!!
After the amazing dove sight in our backyard, C asked to color Spider-Man. I was just in awe of her creation that I had to savor it up.
Then I FINALLY got myself to go through her school work that she brings home (I'm way overdue with organizing it all and getting rid of some things) and I was filled with more awe of her coloring.
Her creativity is starting to shine SO bright and I just LOVE it. I've never told her to color in the lines (unless she has to do something for school) when she colors here at home. So it's pretty awesome to see what's starting to come through her without any rules to follow. LOVE LOVE LOVE!!
I've seen Zentangles, but I never was attracted much to actually doing them because I'm someone who really LOVES color. I'm not a big fan of black on white doodles. It never seemed fun to do a doodle without any colors that I love. So I looked over them and decided they weren't for me.
This weekend, as I was researching creativity as mediation (because I'm SO passionate about that topic) I came across some videos on YouTube on how to draw them.
As I watched, this one, I found myself feeling more zen like and I began to have some cravings of trying them. I ended up sitting down yesterday morning to try one, and, I'm happy to report that I really did like it and I'm excited to try more. (I used the video as a guide for my first one...I can't wait to do more and see where my Zentangle creativity leads me)
It's the perfect little doodle to do when I have very little time for myself while taking care of the kids.
As you can see here, I did finish mine, but it wasn't all at once. When I first started, C came over and wanted to do one on her own. Then she wanted MY marker and then MY paper. She started telling me that it's NICE to share. lol.
So I stopped, let her use my marker and I finished later. lol. I love that she wants to doodle with me, but I have to stop doing MY doodle, because t's not as calming for me. I get the most calming nourishment when I do my doodles by myself and without any distraction. I don't even like to doodle with music on.
But, I LOVE how she did hers with me!! I did the outline for her and then she started her own Zentangle. LOVE! :)
Then we headed into the city for a visit to Costco (we're new members!) to see if they had a shelf organizer we've been looking for. Last weekend, they were all out. And, I really want this organizer for our kiddo's toys.
I always LOVE our drive down into the city because we get to drive on the bridge over the water. It's always the best feeling...cloudy or sunny! :)
Then I just take in my little family, because we're all content, happy and for the most part, quiet, taking in our surroundings or focused on an activity, like eating snack and watching a movie on the iPad. :)
Right before getting to Costco, Luca likes to play his game of taking off his shoes and socks. Once those socks come off, I start to play with him by saying, "No socks!! Oooooooh!!! You know what that means!!! Tickle toes time!!!"
And then he CRACKS up, because he knows his little feet and toes are about get lots and lots of tickes!!! Oh I just LOVE it! :)
Luca didn't get his nap in, so he was a bit fussy in Costco, but we weren't there too long so he was able to get his nap in the car for a bit. Whew! :)
Before heading back home, we stopped at our new favorite sushi restaurant, Saki Cafe, for some take-out lunch. I had taken C in with me because she needed to use the restroom, while the boys stayed in the car. As we were sitting there waiting for our food, she was very quiet and content. AWESOME for me!! :):)
I just kept looking at all the people in the booths...without kids. I can't even remember what these days were like...ya know, the days when you could just go anywhere you wanted...any restaurant...any store...no matter what time of day...without thinking about anything else...ya know, the days before toddlers. :)
This comedian talks about it perfectly! LOL!! :)
I love my little kiddos SO much, but, I'll be honest, some days, I really miss being able to just sit and savor a nice meal at a restaurant...more than just on a date night when we have our awesome babysitter. So I just sat and savored the atmosphere...and remember that FEELING. Then I looked down at C and I really think she was doing the same thing...just soaking it all in. :)
And, yes...we found our shelf organizer and it was SO fun watching C help her Daddy put it together. She was having a blast being his little helper!! :)
So tell me...
What did you SAVOR this weekend?
Until next time...
Life IS so so good...SAVOR it up!